Press ‘F’ to pay your respects



In light of the most recent developments (re: a wide and ineffective anti-nudity measure), we should take a moment to appreciate the unpaid work of one man, who worked hard and plugged many leaking holes to keep tumblr afloat against all odds.

I am, of course, talking about the XKit guy.

Thank you, XKit guy, for helping so many of us make sense of this Titanic of a website.

… this funny on its own or funnier bc xkit guy was replaced by a very nice collective of people like two years ago after yall ran the original guy off the internet with baseless screaming accusations of pedophilia….

God, that is the most Tumblr addition to any fucking post

Are you serious?! 😄😐


Point Nemo

Point Nemo is the furthest point from land on Earth. Its officially known as the oceanic point of inaccessibility and is located in the center of the triangle made by Ducie Island, Motu Nui (Eastern Island Chain) and Maher Island near Antartica. It’s so far from land that the closest humans to Point Nemo are actually astronauts.








hey guys just wanted you to know that i just found the absolute worst car in existence

This is my car I’m crying I’m so happy to finally see it as a post tho I really thot it would be on shitty-car-mods lmfao

He didn’t get a picture of the cursed images door tho so here’s that, also the hood of my car

This poor honda. It didnt deserve… this.

are you kidding this is my fucking dream car

this person knew what they wanted and went for it 

I’m not personally sure what -it- means in this context

but obviously the car owner does and i’m happy for them 

oh you clever bastard


if you want to fuck and have someone else pay for birth control, just charge the john extra. really not that difficult.


I’m not asking someone else to pay for it. I pay for an insurance plan so that my medications will be covered.

But here’s a fine example of that slut-shaming @beesplosion was talking about.

Y’all. I’m a prostitute because I enjoy sex with my husband. But naw. This ain’t about trying to control a woman’s sex life. Not at all.

Wow, imagine being as stupid and narrow-minded as the gutless Anon, lol