catra is not a “””queer””” coded villian she is a LESBIAN!!! (lesbian!) anti-hero




No!!!! She !!!! Is !!!!! Not!!!!!

Your headcanons are not canon. There is no lesbian coding. It is literally your imagination at work.

QUEER is acceptable and you are a bigoted biphobe for arguing otherwise.Never mind the fact that all the lesbians I have known (and been in relationships with) have also identified as queer. You are acting like queer and lesbian are not terms that can co-exist, and that is a lie. This fucking hellsite has full on embraced every goddamn TERF ideology that exists in the name of being ~ progressive~, and this is you, spouting TERF horseshit over a fucking fictional cat.

And she’s a goddamn villain second in command a fascist genocidal organization. Fucking deal with it.

You are over identifying with a goddamn fictional cat. She is not you.Your sexuality is not hers. Your issues with any past abuse is not hers.

You want to headcanon anyone on this show as a lesbian, go for it. You have ZERO canon confirmation that anyone is, including the canon WLW. Other queer women who are attracted to women are not obligated to make everyone a lesbian because it hurts your feelings to headcanon them as bi or pan instead of OMG THEY MUST BE LESBIAN.

She-Ra is an awesome reboot

It’s got a great coming-of-age story and I already stan Catra and Entrapta and love all of The Gay™ we’ve been blessed with. And look guys, none of the lesbians are dead! All the body types in the show! And the parallel story arc for Adora and Catra that closely mirrors Aang and Zuko! And how they address the affects of abuse and how people can be affected differently even if they share the same background! I wish I could get behind the animation style a bit more, but the story was so strong I didn’t mind after a while.

With that out the way, can we…yanno…maybe talk about the show without using it to drag VLD? Yes I still enjoy that show too, flaws and all, and even if that wasn’t the case, this show can stand up on it’s own merits and deserves better than constant comparisons to another series with a whole other production team. And believe it or not, there are gonna be fans who are ignorant of VLD, it’s canon and God willing it’s fandom history. They deserve better than the baptism by fire than most of you got in VLD…and frankly, so do you.

Just…please. i nearly didn’t watch this show because of the antis weaponizing it before it even aired, and it’s every bit deserving of the praise it’s gotten so far. Don’t fuck this fandom up with death threats and harrassment, okay? I know we’ve got maybe two weeks tops before the Catradora/Glimmora ship war starts up in earnest–and FYI I love both already–and I expect that, but maybe let’s keep it friendly and not accuse Catradora fans of being abuse enablers. We already know, okay?

Thanks, folks 👍



People crying about the new She Ra for not being feminine enough are ridiculous. ~“ why cant a woman be feminine and powerful?!?!?!”~

1. Don’t act like media teaches us girls cant be girly and kickass. Almost all kick ass girls in media are still incredibly feminine. This is not an unusual thing. There is not an overwhelming majority of masculine women heroes in media.

2. New She Ra is SUUUUUUUUPER feminine. Yall think not having tittys and lipstick make her butch?


3. Stop trying to use social justice rhetoric to be reactionary assholes about a cute kids cartoon.

Omg she is so pretty

I feel sorry for She-Ra fans having to not only swim over the ocean of salty tears from VLD fans glomping onto this show on the rebound but also this stupid shit right here, along with butthurt ass manchildren who are pissed that yet something else is not about them. 😐