catra is not a “””queer””” coded villian she is a LESBIAN!!! (lesbian!) anti-hero




No!!!! She !!!! Is !!!!! Not!!!!!

Your headcanons are not canon. There is no lesbian coding. It is literally your imagination at work.

QUEER is acceptable and you are a bigoted biphobe for arguing otherwise.Never mind the fact that all the lesbians I have known (and been in relationships with) have also identified as queer. You are acting like queer and lesbian are not terms that can co-exist, and that is a lie. This fucking hellsite has full on embraced every goddamn TERF ideology that exists in the name of being ~ progressive~, and this is you, spouting TERF horseshit over a fucking fictional cat.

And she’s a goddamn villain second in command a fascist genocidal organization. Fucking deal with it.

You are over identifying with a goddamn fictional cat. She is not you.Your sexuality is not hers. Your issues with any past abuse is not hers.

You want to headcanon anyone on this show as a lesbian, go for it. You have ZERO canon confirmation that anyone is, including the canon WLW. Other queer women who are attracted to women are not obligated to make everyone a lesbian because it hurts your feelings to headcanon them as bi or pan instead of OMG THEY MUST BE LESBIAN.

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