






anyway attack on titan is nazi propaganda and i dont trust ppl who like it, and as a Jew™ and general decent person i have the fucking right to say i hate snk and fans of it on my own blog

also hetalia (i dont feel the need to link a source for that one since it is literally called axis powers hetalia and one of the main characters is a personification of nazi germany)

hi there, i hope its okay that i add onto this! i am a korean jew and i think its important to state that attack on titan also glorifies japans history of oppressing korea. the source emma provided also goes further into detail about this if anyone wants to know more

tysm for this post because snk makes me so uncomfortable, and not a lot of people realize what it is

Attack on Titan’s author believes in eugenics and thinks Korean people aren’t even human; I can’t ever understand why someone would want to support the work of a guy like this

the post linked in the first part was deleted – here’s an archived version of it

Can non Jews reblog? Because this is kinda a Big Deal

OP didn’t answer (at least not on this version of the thread), but I would say yes, gentiles absolutely should reblog. Lack of knowledge is what allows this shit to grow unchecked.

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