

People crying about the new She Ra for not being feminine enough are ridiculous. ~“ why cant a woman be feminine and powerful?!?!?!”~

1. Don’t act like media teaches us girls cant be girly and kickass. Almost all kick ass girls in media are still incredibly feminine. This is not an unusual thing. There is not an overwhelming majority of masculine women heroes in media.

2. New She Ra is SUUUUUUUUPER feminine. Yall think not having tittys and lipstick make her butch?


3. Stop trying to use social justice rhetoric to be reactionary assholes about a cute kids cartoon.

Omg she is so pretty

I feel sorry for She-Ra fans having to not only swim over the ocean of salty tears from VLD fans glomping onto this show on the rebound but also this stupid shit right here, along with butthurt ass manchildren who are pissed that yet something else is not about them. 😐

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