
The differences in what you say between body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria:

With body dysmorphia:

‘Oh I would be so much happier with a smaller chest….my chest is too big…’

With gender dysphoria:

‘I’m not supposed to have this chest. It’s supposed to look like a males chest. This isn’t right on me.’

With body dysmorphia:

‘Oh my god my nose is too large…it looks so ugly what the fuck…’

With gender dysphoria:

‘Oh my god my nose is too large for a girls…I’m supposed to have a smaller nose…I don’t look like a girl with this nose..’

With body dysmorphia:

‘My body is too big…my stomach is so thighs are so big, I need to fix this. I can’t stop thinking about this because I don’t think I look right or normal. I need to get surgery to make myself look better.’

With gender dysphoria:

‘My body doesn’t look like how it’s supposed to be. I’m supposed to have a males body. My body is supposed to have a dick…I’m supposed to have a dick…my thighs are too feminine for how I’m supposed to look…I need to get surgeries to look like a male. I can’t stop thinking about this because it makes me so upset that I’m not in a males body’

With body dysmorphia:

‘I don’t want to go out because I think that people can see my flaw. I constantly touch my flaw and ask people if it’s visible. I can’t stop looking at the mirror because my flaw is so visibly there and I need to remove it.’

With gender dysphoria:

‘I don’t want to go out because my body isn’t a females. I hate acknowledging that I don’t have a female body and I constantly ask people if I pass well because I can’t bear to not pass. I don’t want to look into the mirror because my body doesn’t match my brain and I have too much distress over this.’

With body dysmorphia:

‘I can get surgeries to fix my flaw but because of my disorder. I will only find more flaws about myself to obsess over and its a never ending cycle. The only way I can fix myself is if I go see a therapist to help. It doesn’t have a cure’

With gender dysphoria:

‘I can get hormones and surgeries to fix my body to help look more like how i mentally perceive myself and even though it never goes away, it lessens to where I don’t worry about myself anymore, unlike dysmorphia. There’s no cure, but surgeries and hormones work just fine. Sometimes even I can have body dysmorphia with my gender dysphoria, but they aren’t connected.’

Don’t mix up the two. Though they appear similar, they arent and a person can experience both.

To see if you have body dysmorphic disorder, Click here

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